
  1. Fujifilm Holiday Buyers Guide

    2020-03-10 11:37:35 UTC
    Many of you are in the market for cameras this holiday season!  Whether it’s upgrading from an old analog or digital system or just adding to your existing kit.   Often, friends of mine will ask me when they start off going down the Fujifilm mirrorless route; What camera and what…

  2. Cinematic Portraits Project

    2017-09-07 03:34:44 UTC
    Over the last year, I’ve been working on a portraiture project, I loosely call Cinematic Moments.  Coming from a filmmaking background; I’ve always explored storytelling, and over the past few years, as I’ve explored photography as a creative medium, storytelling has definitely creeped it’s way in. A few years ago,…

  3. Is it time to leave Full Frame DSLR’s?

    2017-08-07 12:30:18 UTC
    Saying good-bye to Canon DSLR’s (for now)… Over the last 10 years, I’ve been shooting with Canon DSLR’s.  I got into photography to help me with framing and composition in filmmaking, directing films, at the time, from short films to music video.  I thought by studying the craft of photography,…

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